About Us
Here at KnowledgeisKey we are curious about the world around us. That’s why we’ve decided to share our knowledge and passion. We would like to raise awareness of environmental issues and threats our planet faces, by encouraging the readers’ eagerness to learn - we aim to provide everyone with useful information on various fascinating topics from the broad field of science, technology, and sustainability.
We work towards educating and inspiring others to try to live more mindfully in order to preserve our planet for future generations. The KnowledgeIsKey Store’s main aim is to promote eco consciousness by introducing a wide range of eco-friendly alternatives to your everyday products. You’d be surprised how simple it is to make some really small changes that will have such a huge impact on our future!
We kindly ask that you keep in mind that this website is an on-going project and we would love to hear your feedback - Contact us from here to have your say.
Much Love from the KnowledgeisKey team